Empire Strike – The Sequel : A New Hope in Star Wars T-Shirts

19 04 2009
Empire Strike - The Sequel T-Shirt by Matt Simner

Empire Strike - The Sequel T-Shirt by Matt Simner

Cue opening music…

It is a dark time for the rebel bowlers. Although their consistent scoring has weakoned the Empire’s resolve, Imperial players have achieved spares to stay in contention.

Evading the dreaded Empire Strike, a group of bowlers led by Duke Lanewalker has established a new high score on the remote neon-lit lane 16.

The evil Lord Swerver, obsessed with beating young Lanewalker, has dispatched the death star bowling ball, scattering skittles into the far reaches of space…

Buy Empire Strike The Sequel T-Shirt by Matt Simner on RedBubble